Can I invest under a trust or business?

To invest under a Trust or Business Entity, please make sure to go to your Profiles page and make sure you have a profile established under the correct entity type. If not, you can easily establish one by clicking “Trust" or "Entity."


Before an investment can be finalized for an entity, we will need a copy of the entity formation documents. You can provide these documents by using our “Upload Docs” page, or you can email them to  

Depending on the type of entity, we may need additional documentation, such as: 

  • Trust - A copy of the Trust Formation/Agreement document
  • Corporation - Certificate of Incorporation or Articles of Incorporation
  • LLC - Articles of Organization or LLC Operating Agreement
  • LP - A copy of the Partnership Agreement

Also, as outlined above, an ID must be provided for any individuals who directly or indirectly own 25% or more of the equity interests of the legal entity, and any individual with significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct that entity.